
Families with neurodiversity need clarity to define their vision, navigate life’s challenges, and celebrate their unique strengths. This guidance helps families become effective advocates, managing paperwork and championing the well-being of their loved ones.

Everyday Actionable Paper Solution
ADHD Sunday Basket Club for Neurodiverse Moms
Solution for IEPs & Special Needs Papers
Warrior Mama Binder for Special Needs children
Jumpstart Paper Organizing with a Big Overhaul
Unique solutions for your Goals

Available Summer 2024!

Serving the Greater Cincinnati Area

Available Summer 2024!

Preserving a Legacy Photos
Greater Cincinnati Area Only

Organize 365 Product:

We appreciate orders made through our affiliate link; I do receive a small commission at no additional cost to you!

If you need to purchase a Sunday Basket, Binders, or the Productive Home Solution, please do so before scheduling to ensure you have your products in time. 

What is a Virtual Workshop?

This is a dedicated, focused time to organize your boxes, bags, and bins of paper in the comfort of your own home. Additionally, you will be able to work on a specific project of your choice with guidance from me, Andi, a HIPAA certified paper organizer.

What my clients are saying:


“Working with Andi has been extremely productive in this transitory time of my life. Her insightful [nurturing] questions helped me get clear on what experience and environment actually aligned with my values. Thanks to her coaching I’ve been able to have confidence and peace about how my life is unfolding!”


“I attended the last paper retreat, which was AWESOME! Andi helped me sort through eight boxes and helped me to set up my Sunday Basket. I feel so equipped now!”


“I gained clarity on the direction of our family. Andi helped my husband and I relate to our adult son in a whole new way. By shifting our mindset and our goals we can better support him.”

*In-Person: Available in Greater Cincinnati Area

Serving the Greater Cincinnati Area, I will come to you and help you in person with your paper organizing goals. Contact me so we can assess your needs.

Photo organization and scanning services are only available for locals.