ADHD Sunday Basket Club

The ADHD Paper Clutter Solution

No idea how to get rid of the ADHD paper clutter and the piles of doom that make you feel anxious?

ADHD Sunday Basket Club can help! Co-working is a great strategy to help manage tasks and stay motivated. The system has the right combination of structure to give direction and flexibility to tailor to your unique paper needs.


What is the Sunday Basket?

Woman swamped with paper clutter

The Sunday Basket is a system for processing mail, kitchen counter “to do” papers, and ongoing household projects.

The weekly routine of collecting, processing, and maintaining household to do’s and papers is the perfect training ground for all your future home organization skills.

Why Join the ADHD Sunday Basket Club?

The ADHD Sunday Basket Club is the first step of getting control and managing your household paper. It’s so much more than a paper management system because it helps manage the invisible mental work of running a household. Imagine not paying late fees because you forgot to pay a bill or have to scramble at the last minute to find the school permission slip. The Sunday Basket is a proven system that saves the average user 5 hours a week but it also gives you more peace of mind.

stressed and disorganized thinking
Cluttered home office desk piled with paper

Before embarking on the Sunday Basket system, my ADHD-induced paper clutter used to cause me panic attacks. I absolutely loathed everything about paper and had no clue what to do with it all. Each paper represented a decision, and I lacked a real method to handle it. The catalyst for change was my son’s need for services that required paperwork due to his autism. Despite being terrified of discarding anything, I knew I had the necessary paperwork. The issue was that I had NINE large totes full of paper, making it akin to searching for a needle in a haystack. While I needed to advocate for him and locate the paperwork, I felt paralyzed and unable to take action.

Benefits of joining the ADHD Sunday Basket Club include:

  • First, it frees up your mind from trying to keep track of all the little to-do items and making the invisible mental load actionable can be incredibly beneficial.
  • You will also be able to ask an experienced Certified Professional Paper Organizer questions and work in a small virtual community.
  • Additionally, regular accountability check-ins can help you stay motivated and on track with your decluttering and organizational goals.


1 hour 30 minutes/weekly

Do you need help managing your weekly paper pile-up? Would you benefit from co-working to help you stay motivated?

Date and Time:


3 pm – 4:30 pm Eastern Time

2 pm – 3:30 pm Central Time

1 pm – 2:30 pm Mountain Time

Noon- 1:30 pm Pacific Time

The Sunday Basket is your solution to manage your daily/weekly actionable tasks and free your kitchen counter of the clutter!


A Google Meet link will be sent to you after registration.

Virtual meetings help members be able to attend in the comfort of their own home and it saves the hassle of going anywhere.

Co-working is a great strategy to help you stay on task and a community to keep you motivated!


$30/Monthly Subscription

*The Sunday Basket is not included or required.

If you would like to purchase a Sunday Basket, email: or click the affiliate link. (No extra cost to you!)

Organize 365 Product:

We appreciate orders made through our affiliate link; I do receive a small commission at no additional cost to you!

It’s important to have the right tools when doing any task. Whether it’s organizing your papers, setting up a filing system, or making your home more productive, having the right products can make a big difference.

If you’re considering purchasing a Sunday Basket, Binders, or the Productive Home Solution, it’s wise to do so before scheduling your plans to ensure that you have these products available when you need them.

Need a jumpstart to overhaul your paper piles?

Consider a Virtual Paper Retreat to start a big purge and sort.

A Virtual Paper Retreat can be just what you need to kickstart this process. Set aside dedicated time to go through your papers, toss out what you don’t need, and organize the rest. By creating a focused environment, you can make significant progress in clearing out the paper piles that have been causing you stress.